If the pandemic has taught us anything, it's that we must be flexible and adaptable in order to deal with unforeseen situations. Since the healthcare industry in our country was severly affected, it was crucial for healthcare providers to have EHR software that could shift, alter, and adapt with them. Let's take a look at some of the advantages of implementing a customized EHR software.
1. Tailored To the Office's Functionality
One of the main advantages of a customizable EHR is that it is modified to the functionality of the office. If the operations change from face-to-face communication to remote video or phone communication, the software can accommodate that with the use of new templates and visit codes for patient examination and bill generation.
2. Improved Office Workflow
Another important advantage of customizable EHR software is the system's better usability by staff members who, depending on their EHR provider, have a say in how it's customized to their particular activities and jobs. This improves workflow efficiency by saving time and reducing unnecessary clicks when recording patient data.
3. Increased Provider and Patient Experience
A practice can better meet the needs of their patients and address their issues with a customized EHR system than it can with a generic one. Thanks to tools, templates, and other features built specifically for different specialities, custom EHR systems offers more intuitive user interfaces than pre-built records systems. The system reads patterns and provides auto-fill suggestions, which help to boost patient-doctor facetime while decreasing time spent recording data the possible human error.
A tailored EHR system enables reduced annoyance for staff, physicians, and patients. It also allows for greater data quality acquisition and improved practice workflow, all of which contribute to a better overall experience for all parties involved.
If you would like more information on how Criterions can provide a budget friendly customizable EHR system for your practice, please fill out the form below.