As the final quarter of 2020 approaches, practices should take action on time-sensitive programs that will impact reimbursement in the future. Below is our "2020 To Do List" with details outlining the steps you need to take to achieve each item.
Check Your MIPS Numbers
October marks the last quarter that practices can begin to achieve compliance for certain MIPS categories in 2020:
• Confirm submission method - If you submitted via registry in the past, and plan to submit via eCQMS, or are considering submitting through a registry for 2020, make sure you understand the allowed measures, costs, and outcomes.
• Practices should run their Promoting Interoperability and MU3 – Clinical Quality Measures reports every month to ensure practice is meeting requirements.
• Complete your Security Risk Analysis.
• Document progress on Improvement Activities.
For more information, read the MIPS 2020 and Criterions blog post.
Register for PAMA
The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid (CMS) currently requires all providers to use a Clinical Decision Support Mechanism (“CDSM”) to electronically validate advanced imaging orders using approved online guidelines. On January 1, 2021, imaging centers will not be reimbursed for orders that do not include this information so it is vital that ordering physicians be able to perform the validation without impacting their workflow.
Learn how to meet the AUC validation requirements under PAMA here.
Purchase NYC and NY State Immunization Interface
With changes to MIPS, practices are now required to have live bidirectional interfaces with NYCIR and NYSIIS.
Why practices need it:
• These interfaces send immunizations for Adults and Children to the respective registry electronically in the new MIPS format.
• The old interface is no longer valid with new rules.
• Practices without the electronic interface cannot attest on MIPS for submitting to a public registry. This will affect MIPS compliance.
• Practices not in NYC must purchase a NYSIIS interface for immunizations for Adults and Children.
• Practices in NYC must purchase a NYC CIR interface for immunizations for Adults and Children.
• This MIPS interface sends the immunizations administered, as well as retrieves the patients current immunizations already administered by other physicians from the registry.
Contact to purchase.