Criterions Blog
keeping our customers updated
Credentialing Services Can Prevent Out-of-Network Charges
by | Dec 8, 2020 | Credentialing
*This post was written by our partners at TriZetto Provider Solutions. With the cost of care steadily increasing over the last decade, healthcare consumers are finding themselves with higher deductibles and out-of-pocket expenses. Most consumers know utilizing...
Infographic: 13 Steps to Limit Credentialing Mistakes
by | Oct 6, 2020 | Credentialing
*This post was written by our partners at TriZetto Provider Solutions. We all like to think we’re experts: In car repair. Home improvements. Computers. Cooking. That’s why there are so many internet fail videos demonstrating the disastrous, often hilarious, outcomes...
Decoding the Hidden Costs of Credentialing
by | Aug 4, 2020 | Credentialing
*This post was written by our partners at TriZetto Provider Solutions.It’s safe to say that healthcare practitioners are well aware of the importance of credentialing. Beyond the legalities required of practicing physicians, credentials are needed for a practice’s...