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Implementing online payments and creating payment plans can significantly boost a medical practice's collections from patients. By offering online payment options, the process becomes more convenient and accessible, encouraging timely payments. Additionally, flexible payment plans can alleviate financial strain on patients, making it easier for them to manage their medical expenses. These measures not only enhance patient satisfaction but also improve the practice's cash flow and reduce the burden of unpaid bills.

Criterions enhanced credit card integration provides our customers:

    • A fully integrated solution with Criterions EHR &  PM Systems
    • Customize payment plans for your patients
    • 24/7 access to Support
    • Credit card terminal
    • Ability to store credit card(s) on file
    • Various online payment options for patients

To learn more about the benefits that the enhanced credit card integration provides, please schedule a quick phone call or demo meeting at your own convenience by filling out the form below or clicking the link here.

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